Established in 2004
Dalton Square Medical
provides affordable
innovative educational
products for healthcare
professionals in training.
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Medical & clinical skills teaching aids compiled by experts in the field and delivered in a multimedia format, to create an interactive and stimulating learning experience.
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Latest news from Dalton Square Medical
"A Guide to Specialist Training in Obstetrics &
Gynaecology" Edited by A Alexander Taylor with
chapters by Dr Susan Ward, Mr Alec McEwan &
Miss Jo Mountfield, this indespensible guide
provides essential information about the application
process and what to expect during it and is out now.
What our colleagues and the press are
saying about us.
"A marvellous tool"
The Obstetrician &
Gynaecologist (TOG)
A vital aspect of our business is the ability to create bespoke products tailored to suit the specific needs of individual clients. Our experience and expertise enables us to target new and emerging markets.
"Highly recommended."
2009 BMA Medical Book
Accredited and approved by the Royal College of Nursing
2019 Dalton Square Medical