OSCES for Finals (DVD): Volume 1
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OSCES for Finals Volume 1, provides medical students with filmed consultations of OSCEs for the first time. It gives model answers to a range of common OSCE scenarios, with particular emphasis on stations that assess practical skills and examination technique.
The DVD format allows the user to switch easily between OSCEs. With the accompanying booklet, providing scripts of the consultations, keypoints, common mistakes, marking sheets and references
for further reading, this really is the most comprehensive undergraduate revision aid to date.
Click to download the chapter on Taking a Chest Pain History from the booklet that accompanies this DVD.
Taking a Chest Pain History Clip
"Engaging, effective and considerably cheaper than private revision courses, but also - dare we say it - fun to use"
The Medical Student newspaper
For the complete review
click on the link (picture of edition)
OSCEs for Finals Vol.1 - UK Only Library Multi user version - Price: £999.00
OSCEs for Finals Vol.1 - Library Single version (Please contact us for non-UK pricing)
1 DVD for use in a skills centre/library reference section - Price: £299.00
--ROW (including USA & Australia etc) / EU Price: £47.99
OSCEs for Finals Vol 1-Single User DVD (Home use only) - UK Price: £39.99