Medical Videos - Interview Responses & Techniques
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Begin you interview practise for entry into Specialty Training today with Dalton Square Medical from as little as £3.99*!
Why go on expensive interview courses when from only £29.99 you can download and watch model answers to common interview questions.
You can watch them at home, at work or even on the move with your iphone, ipad and smart phone
*Refers to individual video clip price as opposed to entire set.
Available Videos
1) Gold standard Interview answers for Specialty Training "The Portfolio Station OSCE"
2) Clinical Station OSCE - "The Management of Post Operative Hypotension"
"Fantastic interview preparation without having to spend hundreds of pounds on an interview course. Great value for money!"
Dr A Langrish, Foundation Year Doctor, Wessex Deanery
"I wish these clips were available when I was preparing for my interviews."
Dr Bala Karunakaran Specialty Trainee
Dalton Square Medical runs both sites so as always please let us know if you experience any problems or have any questions.
These clips are now available through our sister site
Click Below to open up the interview videos page where you can continue to view the FREE clip "Talk me through your CV" or to purchase the other clips as normal.