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OSCES for the MRCOG Made Easy Volume 1, provides candidates for the first time with filmed consultations of OSCEs. It gives model answers to common clinical scenarios and excellent advice on how to tackle some of the most difficult counselling stations.
Pass and fail performances are filmed with accompanying narration to explain potential pitfalls.With
the accompanying booklet, providing the scripts of the consultations, key points on the subjects covered and references to further reading, this really is the most comprehensive OSCE revision aid to date.
Click to download the chapter on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome from the booklet that accompanies this DVD.
"A marvellous tool"
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (TOG)
"It really helped me to organise the way I would take histories or counsel a patient and also clarified sequences in clinical skills."
Rebecca Johnson, Sheffield Medical Society
"This DVD is excellent for revising for final OSCEs."
Evonne Godfrey, University East Anglia
OSCEs Made Easy Vol.1 - UK Library Multi version
2xDVDs for use within a skills centre/library reference section and 1 for loaning out - Price: £599.00
OSCEs Made Easy Vol.1 - UK Library version
1xDVD for use within a skills centre/library reference section - Price: £299.00
--ROW (including USA & Australia etc) / EU Price: £67.99
OSCEs Made Easy Vol 1-Trainee license version DVD (UK Home use only) - UK Price: £59.99